Sunday, June 26, 2016


I have loved blogging at The Valiant Efforts of the Half-Arsed Homeschooler—I started it when I was relatively new to homeschooling and I needed an outlet to “talk” about it—I needed a place for my musings, and to shore up my confidence. Also, I hoped that my posts would demystify homeschooling for my public-schooling friends and family. 

As time wore on, my focus shifted from solely homeschool posts, to other aspects of my life. I found I have a lot to write about beyond home education, and want a broader platform in which to share.

As I take the world at a slant and write to understand as much as to share insights, I have named my new blog Talk Quirky To Me. My hope is to connect more fully with others through my writing. I will still blog about homeschooling, but I will also write about pop-culture, literature, current events, and whatever else piques interest.

Currently, TQTM is under construction and I’m still playing around with format and whatnot, but if you want to wander around over there, please join me at !